Psychologist Sol Gordon brainstormed a list of qualities a person possessed who also possessed self-esteem. They are as follows:
A sense of humor
Doesn’t exploit others
Has energy
Knows how to listen
Sensitivity to others needs
Tolerance to others changing moods
Learns to live with what they can’t change
Has enthusiasm
Exudes self confidence
Is capable of loving unselfishly
Knows when to take risks
Doesn’t insult others
Doesn’t pretend to have all the answers
Is optimistic
Is helpful
Capable of loving unselfishly
Appreciates the success of friends without feeling competitive
Is sympathetic to others
Is pleased to spend time with loved ones but doesn’t feel abandoned when that is not possible.
Again, Think back for a moment to those faces and personalities who touched you in this way. What comes to mind as you are asked to describe them? What unique qualities does that person possess?' Thus it stands to reason. If we provide each other with the tools to build self-esteem rather than to tear it down, we will be surrounded by people who energize us and who bless us simply by being healthy, responsive people.
A few final thoughts, a medley if you will, of quotes gathered from Thoreau, Leo Buscaglia, Arthur Peterson and Eleanor Roosevelt; all who have lived life to the fullest in their unique ways:
“Let the world be better for your having lived it.
Let those you meet day by day feel and know they are better for meeting and knowing and being with you.
Keep loving if you would keep young.
...To be sure, there are numerous stages of unfoldment, of development, but use what you know to do and you will be given the next step..
Those who seek to know themselves may find the way
And though the way be hard,
Those who find it become content and find
Joy, peace and happiness....
The purpose of life, after all, is to live it,
to taste experience to the utmost.
To reach out eagerly and without fear
For new and richer experience.
Oh God, to have reached the point of death
Only to find you had never lived at all!
No one will ever get out of this world alive.
Resolve, therefore, to maintain a sense of values.
Resolve to be cheerful and helpful and
People will respond in kind.
Resolve to listen more and talk less
No one ever learned anything by talking.
Resolve to be tender with the young
Compassionate with the aging
Sympathetic towards the striving and
Tolerant of the weak and the wrong
Because some time in your life
You will have been all of these.
Accept and appreciate your unique self.
Value and appreciate your growth and discovery
And you will encourage others to do the same.
Live by taking advantage of all of your life-given rights,
Now and always.
Our contribution should be that of becoming all we can
become as a person and allowing each and every person that privilege. if we do this through love and caring and by being a nonjudgmental person, when we leave this place, as we all will,
it WILL be better because of our having been there.